Monday 24 September 2012

Nottingham's galleries of justice...

           Have you always wondered..., what it was like to become a convict or a prisoner and to be trialed and locked away in a prison cell for all your crimes...?? If you think that is normal..., try being locked up without a proper hearing trial or being hanged..., exiled..., burned..., forced into labor or being tortured in any form of punishment imaginable...!! That is what you would mainly get or experienced whenever you have the chance to visit the 'Galleries of Justice'..., which is located just along Lace Market..., Nottingham...Visitors would be taken through a long as well as rich history of crime and punishment (past and present...)..., which covers everything from punishment tools..., famous convicts..., life in prison and not to mention an everyday typical scene of an English court room...Tickets on the other hand..., are priced at about 9.50 GBP (47.50 MYR) for an adult..., while a child costs at about 7.50 GBP...(37.50 MYR)...Educational and yet perfect for a unforgettable scary experience...-nods...-

(Stealing from the outlaw himself...!!) 

(Prison numbers...)

(The coat of arms...)

(Torture device...) 

(Unknown object...) 

(The coat of arms 2...) 

(The character wall information...) 

(Hands and legs cuffs...) 

(The Doctor's office and tools...)



(The laundry room...)

(Life scenes...)



(A clobber...)

(Chains and shackles...)

(Sleeping in a cell...)

(Locked up...)

(Early prisoners...)

(Exiled prisoners...)


(Mug shots...)

(The early camera...)

(Don't say cheese...)

(Cell sharing...) 


Monday 9 July 2012

Along the streets and roads of Nottingham...

             Take a stroll along the road of St Peter's gate..., where one would find people going about their daily shopping/groceries for the day..., an M and S aka Marks and Spencer..., different rows of shops..., the St Peter's church..., Jamie Oliver's restaurant and some red telephone boxes along low pavement road...A really great way to spend the cool..., breezy and relaxing Saturday weekend afternoon just exploring the city centre...-nods...- Awesome Saturday moments...!! It is never a dull moment here...-thumbs up...- Hahahah...(^____^)...

(Note: Not in under any circumstances was I stalking any of the people below..., as a form of hobby at all...)


("Where am I suppose to meet them again...??")

(Red telephone boxes...)

(The city council building...)


Monday 25 June 2012

The backyard of my accommodation...

              What do you normally find..., whenever curiosity gets the best of you or by taking a walk through uncharted territories of your neighborhood...?? A window/doorway to another world...?? Or just an unknown street that is just waiting to be explored...?? What sort of surprises await you at these unknown territories...?? Well to me..., these were the sort of surprises in which..., I found on that ordinary day through the backyard/street of my accommodation...Bright autumn hues of red and yellow..., a solemn..., peaceful resting place for the departed..., a gargoyle..., an abandoned church...with a supermarket...!! (An alternative convenient place for my daily grocery shopping...Woohoo...!!) (^____^)...Hahahah...

(The red colors autumn leaves...) 

(Sainsbury supermarket...) 

(An unknown little house...)

(An abandoned church...) 

(The walkway...) 

(An abandoned church 2...) 


(Stone carvings...)

(The many colors of autumn...) 
